Chinese products have been widely known as “counterfeit” products because they are being copied from popular brands and produced with low quality due to no strict quality control and no investments in innovation.
Chinese products have been widely known as “counterfeit” products because they are being copied from popular brands and produced with low quality due to no strict quality control and no investments in innovation. Small businesses continue to produce copy products from the popular brands in the market and sell them in a cheaper price. However, people are unaware of this reality. Since they want to purchase products in a cheaper price, they simply become habitual buyers of knockoff items.
The worst part is most of the traders claim their products as authentic Korean or European made even though they are Chinese copies. The difference of the Chinese copy products to the authentic ones can be easily determined. This includes that Chinese traders offer limited service levels and poor warranty policy.
But here at Luxdezine, we aim to cater the quality crafted products to the consumers. Our goal is to arm the buyers with the right tools and knowledge in choosing the best products with quality.
Here are some pointers that show how Chinese imitation products differ from ours.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Metal used – for other Chinese made awnings, the grade of metal used on stainless parts have lower grade that makes the steel gets easily rusted.
Quality of the fabric – the Chinese products’ fabric has below six months warranty that causes color fading. Even though they provide longer warranty period of products, the fabric still can’t meet the guaranteed durability.
Workmanship – knockoff products have poor workmanship that can easily detect by inspecting details that are not well crafted carefully.
Design – since they are copies, the important key elements of the original product that makes it stand out is always missing and sometimes obviously different from the real one.
Our awnings are made with durable and sturdy materials with corrosion resistant that makes the material highly durable and long-lasting. Here at Luxdezine, we ensure that the workmanship of every product is carefully produced with quality and standard. Also, our awnings can last up to 8 years and offer unbeatable warranty period.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Fabric – the color of the fabric of the counterfeit items is dull. The fabric strands are easy to get loose, warp, and fade upon prolonged exposure to heat and sun. Fabrics are not also fire retardant, not UV treated and also has limited designs.
Valance – poor ordinary design, bulky, easily gets scratched, limited color designs.
Mechanisms – operation is not smooth. It easily breaks and no child protection feature.
Common – since they offer it at cheap price, expect that the quality is not that good.
Warranty – they only offer one year or less warranty
We offer up to 5 years warranty for blinds. The fabrics used for our blinds are carefully selected to provide good quality product with various designs to choose from. The mechanism of our blinds is durable and doesn’t easily break. It also has a lot of features that other brands don’t have.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Material – gets easily rusted, not properly treated
Design – it has limited design options. Most designs are plain and look boring.
Quality – not durable and no applicable for long-term use.
Our ceilings are made with the highest quality material that makes it long-lasting and resistant to any corrosion. They are also environment-friendly and have other special features. Our design options for ceilings are not limited as we provide different types of ceiling that each of it has its own uses and purposes to meet your needs.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Fabric – lacks in features like fire retardant, anti-bacterial, limited colors and design options. Fabric easily fades when used for a long time.
Sewing – sewing is the most difficult part of curtain production. The stitches are visible for not being sewn very well and they easily loose.
Rails and mechanisms – limited functionality, poor workmanship, inferior metals used.
The fabrics used for our curtains have incredible features such as fire retardant, anti-bacterial, and have wide variety of colors, styles, and design options with no color fading. Our curtains are woven very well that makes it even sturdier and applicable for longer use.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Design – tends to keep up with the design of the original product but lacks functionality as it is just copied. It has the looks but moving parts fail within short period of use.
Durability – doesn’t last long. Materials used are inferior. It has faulty mechanism of moving parts. Low grade wood used. Connections and attachments get loose over time. Plastic parts are brittle, not UV treated for outdoor use products.
Warranty and service – cannot offer long warranty, limited availability of replaceable parts.
Every type of our furniture is crafted with durability and functionality. We are consistent in providing furniture products with quality and design. The materials used are in great quality and the mechanism is highly durable. We offer up to 8 years warranty period for our furniture products.
Chinese Imitation Ones
Design – looks cheap and artificial. Easy to distinguish from real grass and has limited pile height options
Quality – strands easily get pulled out. Matting disintegrates due to prolonged exposure to moisture and heat and fades easily without UV coating. Not fire retardant and has low warranty period. No certification from international certifying bodies.
Availability – usually no ready stock available on hand.
Our artificial turf may be called “artificial” but it closely looks like a real grass that achieves the lush-look greenery. We provide artificial turf with many options of pile height for different uses and purposes. The quality of our products is durable and can withstand any UV exposures without color fading. Our turf is fire retardant and has warranty period that can last up to 5 years and up. Our products receive certification from international certifying bodies. We always have artificial turf on hand and ready to deliver.
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